Saturday, September 2, 2017


In Portland, Oregon August 2017, Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers was presented with the prestigious Kingdom Congressional International Alliance 2017 Ambassador of the Year Award.

The Body of Leaders for Kingdom Congressional International Alliance (KCIA) observed and assessed the global work of Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers as a leading World Peace Ambassador. Ambassador Rivers is working in the nations to bring the Golden Rule to help mankind and leaders of nations. He looks around the world to find and establish the value of human life and find those living, “Treating others the way they want to be treated.” He is building Cultures of Honor globally. The Kingdom Congressional International Alliance (KCIA) has bestowed upon Ambassador Rivers this award for his great works aiding the world in how to view people from the proper perspective and bring honor.

Ambassador Rivers commented, “I am very humbled to receive this award from Dr. Bruce Cook the leader of KCIA and its leadership council for recognizing the work I do around the world. I am truly honored to receive this award.”

Everywhere Dr. Rivers and iChange Nations™ goes they find people doing good things to help mankind and people that are living the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” The combined efforts of the iChange Nations™ Honor System, the Golden Rule International Award System and others organizations and institutions we work with, have catapulted iChange Nations’™ to the top. Giving us the ability to say we are the “World’s Largest Honoring Network Establishing Cultures of Honor in the World.” Soon to become the “World’s Strongest Voice to Help Change the Nations.”

Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™ a professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Dr. Clyde Rivers
iChange Nations™ President and Founder, Dr. Clyde Rivers recently released his plan to begin what we are calling, Acti-Vention™ Conventions. As a World Peace Ambassador, and the Golden Rule Dialogue Expert, Dr. Rivers, is creating a venue with an appeal to every leader of the world. He asks, “Let us come together and ‘treat others the way we want to be treated.’ We will only succeed in bringing peace and hope to this world when every individual born is able to bring their skills as a solution to the problems of the world.”

At iChange Nations™ we believe that in order for a culture of peace, honor and civility to take root, we have to create a platform for problem solvers to speak out to the world. Our Acti-Vention™ Conventions are designed to create a format for forums, training and active engagement with media coverage in real time. These Acti-Vention™ Conventions will enable qualified people to immediately engage with the world in dialogue with solutions. As well as, hands-on training with real time activation as the model.

Dr. Clyde Rivers, Founder and President of iChange Nations™ said, “We have set our focus to thank the great people of the world that are preserving humanity, serving others, and making the world a better place. We are now adding our Acti-Vention™ Convention model to our organization to catapult qualified people into the world scene with solutions. We had no idea how fast the Culture of Honor would grow but today we have reached 120 nations of the world through our honor systems. We also believe our Acti-Vention™ Convention model will follow suit in its influence and its reach.”

Everywhere we go iChange Nations™ is finding people doing good things to help mankind and people that are living the Golden Rule, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” The combined efforts of the iChange Nations™ Honor System, the Golden Rule International Award System and others organizations and institutions we work with, have catapulted iChange Nations’™ to the top. Giving us the ability to say we are the “World’s Largest Honoring Network Establishing Cultures of Honor in the World.” Soon to become the “World’s Strongest Voice to Help Change the Nations.”

Dr. Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™ a professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Dr. Donella Pitzl
At Texas Christian University, Dallas/Ft. Worth Texas in April, Dr. Donella Pitzl, Executive Director of Global Operations for iChange Nations™ as well as a World Civility Ambassador and a Golden Rule World Peace Ambassador, addressed a crowd of newly appointed Golden Rule International World Peace Ambassadors. She brought to the audience the framework of iChange Nations™ as well as the commissioning of the newly appointed World Peace Ambassadors. She said, “ICN is very happy to continue to appoint people helping mankind with the Golden Rule International Award for their service to and love for humanity of all cultures, races and religions around the world. Exemplifying with their lives, ‘Treating others the way they want to be treated.’”

Dr. Donella tells us for this article, “iChange Nations™ is dedicated to three key things. One, bringing back the lost art of honor.  ICN is the largest global, “Building Cultures of Honor” organization in the world. iChange Nations™ believes that there are amazing contributions in everyone born on this earth. When those contributions are able to come forth in individuals and those individuals honored for their addition to humanity and our world, the world becomes a better place. We at ICN believe that every life is valuable and created with a specific purpose. It is not good to overlook greatness in others. If we do, we starve as humankind on the earth, we create a gift famine. Gifts that would be solving our problems and enhancing our world.

She continues to say, “Secondly, ICN builds Statesman. According to our experience in building Statesmen these are quality people that are not swayed by popular voice, as a politician is, but rather one that has a deep seated belief and understanding on how to help the world. One that is dedicated to their purpose and selflessness in working to bring the world to a better place. We have trained many Statesman that have global initiatives that are reforming how the world looks at honor and people treatment. They are changing the world around them.

As Dr. Pitzl expounded, “Moving on to one of the greatest focuses of iChange Nations™, Golden Rule Civility and Golden Rule Dialogue. Our world is in dire need of civil people treatment. All we have to do is look around. There have been several civility training mechanisms set in motion around the world. At ICN we are experiencing civility laced and lead with the Universal Principle of Golden Rule People Treatment, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ is the true change agent. You see, without this element, of Golden Rule Universal People Treatment, our societies will continue to hate and degrade each other. We fail to recognize that there are ramifications to not applying Golden Rule People Treatment. History tells us the story… How has people mistreatment affected the ending of so many lives? Those that suffer from the hand of it and those that continue to dole it out? 

We must ask ourselves the Golden Question, ‘If I were receiving this same treatment, would I be okay with it?’ There is no escaping the backdoor of people mistreatment. It will eventually come back upon the one mistreating and generations continue to suffer. At ICN we have seen all over the world that humanity responds to kindness and honor. Acts of kindness and honor have a life and fruit of their own. In saying that we continue to dedicate ourselves to this great global movement of the Golden Rule Universal Principle of People Treatment.”

iChange Nations™ Founder and President, as well as the Golden Rule Dialogue Expert, Dr. Clyde Rivers along with Dr. Donella Pitzl and their team have a mandate to bring Golden Rule Honor, Train Statesman to help humanity and create avenues for Golden Rule Civility and Dialogue around the world. They continue to bring their message to governments, law enforcement, communities, tribes and nations. They work tirelessly and selflessly to make others great around them, a Golden Rule example for the whole world.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Dr. Clyde Rivers stands with PACE Summit representatives: Aiken Chief of Police, Charles Barranco, Mayor Rick Osborn, C. Ashley Finch of South Carolina Probation, Lance Crick from the U.S. Attorney's Office, Marty Summer, former Chief of Police in High Point, North Carolina, Cynthia Griffin Mitchell, PACE Summit host.

World Peace Ambassador and Golden Rule Dialogue expert, Dr. Clyde Rivers, was in Aiken, South Carolina on the last weekend in January, to facilitate a Law Enforcement and community conciliatory conversation.

In what was billed as the 2017 South Carolina PACE (Police and Community Engagement) Summit, Dr. Rivers helped navigate the attendees through three challenging topics: 1.) Unraveling the Criminal Justice System: Rights, Roles and Rhetoric, 2.) Building Mutual Trust and Legitimacy with Law Enforcement and Community, and 3.) Developing Tools to Effectively Engage Diverse Communities.

The Summit, which was attended by about 80 people, included the mayor of Aiken, police chiefs, other representatives from law enforcement, fire and safety officials, the U.S. Attorney's office, and various community and religious leaders.

Dr . Rivers opened the Summit by speaking to the group about what he has seen all over the world. He explained the value and benefit of having law enforcement by describing what it is like in places that don't have it.

Dr. Clyde Rivers facilitates "Listen for Change."

"At the beginning of the sessions the questions and comments were filled with fear, suspicion and accusation," observed Professor, Dr. Donni Pitzl  who is a Golden Rule Dialogue Chamber Leader. "But, by the end of the Summit, the conversation was filled with understanding and intentional efforts to honor one another."

That drastic change was due largely to Dr. Rivers' strategy through an exercise he calls, Listening for Change, wherein all parties are asked to genuinely listen to one another.  For example, in response to the accusation that police officers target minorities, the officers were able to explain that they are responding to calls. They don't have control over where the calls are coming from. Through that simple exchange, understanding was able to come to the surface.

World Peace Ambassador and
Golden Rule Dialogue expert, Dr. Clyde Rivers
"Even though we have hosted this type of Golden Rule dialogue around the world," said Dr. Rivers "I learned something new today. I saw that each side was approaching the issues from their own histories. I saw that if your history is the only history, then you will miss the history of others."

Dr. River's final assessment was that the Summit produced great talks. Even though it was very difficult conversation, there was great participation from all sides.

"Everyone wants the same goal," concluded Dr. Rivers. "We all want peaceful community. I believe America, through Golden Rule dialogue, has a great starting point to cultivate safe communities."

Dr. Clyde Rivers, is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™ and he is the global expert on Golden Rule Dialogue.  Dr. Rivers travels the world promoting Golden Rule Dialogue and honoring people who live the Golden Rule everyday. The Golden Rule is simply, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Dr. Rivers believes every life is valuable and created for a contribution to our world and that without peace, that contribution can be lost. If that contribution is lost, our entire world loses.

"As I travel around the world," observes Dr. Rivers "I see many people who are doing or have done amazing things, but they are often under the radar and out of the spotlight. They are the unsung heroes of our world. I want to honor their service to humanity and inspire others to also strive for something greater than themselves."

iChange Nations™ is the World’s Largest Honoring Network, establishing Cultures of Honor around the world.  ICN has fostered a movement that is bringing back honor to the world.  They look to honor people at global, national, state and community levels, who have made positive contributions in helping mankind.  Golden Rule Dialogue and honoring others are working hand-in-hand to change the world.

iChange Nations™ is also a professional institution that builds international Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world.  This organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping countries educate, train and support a nation-building process that is designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships; while helping people understand the value of honor and basic human rights.


Written by Dr. Christopher G. Green
Dr. Christopher Green is an international columnist/writer with the Global Journalism Award winning team of Dr. Clyde Rivers and iChange Nations Social Media News™.